
|giv| 2015

Every year we use Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday momentum to rally our church to the gospel origins of Christian generosity and incarnational ministry. Because Jesus gave himself, we give ourselves in response. This series will take 3 weeks to orient our church family around the idea of church planting in Lexington and Knoxville. Find out more about our efforts to plant these churches here.

|giv| 2013

Giving something means taking what is yours and giving it to others, free of charge. Christmas is the celebration of how God gave his one and only son so that we could be forgiven, free of charge. So each year for Christmas, we rally together to respond to what God has given us:

  • by |giv|ing shoes to people without them
  • by |giv|ing money to church planters in India
  • by |giv|ing hoodies to people in the cold in Columbia
  • by |giv|ing Christmas presents to kids in the Yucatan peninsula
  • by |giv|ing safe houses to children rescued out of sex slavery
  • much, much more.

Because He gave, we |giv|. It’s that simple.


|giv| 2012

The holiday season is generally marked by consumerism, consumption, and materialism. But God sees Christmas in a whole different light. Leaving the comforts of heaven, He came to earth as the man Jesus, on a rescue mission to seek and save what was lost. Each year, we take a few weeks to talk about Jesus' incarnation, and its implications on our lives.

Alongside each year's |giv| series, we all rally around a project to be generous to, in response to Jesus' generosity to us. In past years we've given shoes and jackets to Columbia's homeless population, built safe houses for boys and girls rescued out of India's sex slave industry, translated the bible into the Huba language, and given Christmas gifts to kids in the Yucatan peninsula.
