The Cross of Christ | Atonement | March 23


Sermon by Adam Gibson on March 23, 2025.

Key scripture: Leviticus 16:1-3, 16:7-10, 16:21-22

It has been said that atonement is like a multi-faceted diamond. What Christ accomplished on the cross is massive, and its window into the heart of God is grand. In this series, we study the many things Jesus’ death and resurrection achieved as we prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

James | Establish Your Hearts | March 16


Sermon by Jake Blair on March 16, 2025.

Key scripture: James 5:7-20

In chapter 5, James wraps up everything he’s said and offers practical wisdom: How can we know we have true faith? How can we make it for the long haul? How can we walk faithfully with Jesus and others no matter what life throws at us?

James | What Causes Quarrels Among You? | March 2


Sermon by Jon Ludovina on March 2, 2025.

Key scripture: James 4:1-12

In chapter 4, James shows us the true sinful source of our relational conflicts and how to deal with it.

James | Taming the Tongue | February 23

Sermon by Jake Blair on February 23, 2025.

Key scripture: James 3:1-18

This week in James 3, we’ll dive into practically one of the most challenging areas to live in as a follower of Jesus. The Scriptures will call at times a source of healing and blessing and at other times a “raging fire” and a “restless evil” — our words.

James | Is It Faith? | February 16


Sermon by Jake Blair on February 16, 2025.

Key scripture: James 2:14-26

Is your Christian faith the real deal or just a façade? James 2 challenges us to examine our faith, asking if it's genuine and produces real change in our lives, or just a convincing imitation.

James | Be Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only | February 9


Sermon by Adam Gibson on February 9, 2025.

Key scripture: James 1:19-2:13

This week, James warns us of the danger of learning things about God without doing what God says, particularly when it comes to showing partiality.

James | When He Is Tempted | February 2


Sermon by Jon Ludovina on February 2, 2025.

Key scripture: James 1:13-18

This week, James will help us fight sin in our lives by showing us the nature of sin and the perspective to resist it.

James | Consider It Joy | January 26


Sermon by Adam Gibson on January 26, 2025.

Key scripture: James 1:1-12

To faithfully follow Jesus, our faith must be marked by action. Our belief should lead us into good works and obedience. In the book of James, we are challenged by the brother of Jesus to examine the authenticity of our faith and to ensure that it fills each area of our everyday lives.

Known and Loved | Known and Loved by Our Neighbors | January 19

Sermon by Jon Ludovina on January 19, 2025.

Key scripture: 1 John 4:7-14

As we wrap our series, we look at the last piece of our vision as a church: to know and love our neighbors. This week, we look at how loving God and our church family moves us to go out, build friendships, invite others in, and tell them about Jesus.

Known and Loved | Known and Loved by Others | January 12


Sermon by Jon Ludovina on January 12, 2025.

Last week, we explored the most important thing about us: our vertical relationship with God. This week, we look into how that impacts our horizontal relationships with others and what challenges we often face, as followers of Jesus, from experiencing meaningful community.

Known and Loved | Known and Loved by God | January 5


Sermon by Jake Blair on January 5, 2025.

“Known and loved.” That’s a powerful phrase. 

At some level, all of us are looking for places in life where we feel known and loved. Some of us have that, and some of us don’t. Others of us are looking for that in family, romance, friendships, or any number of things - and have felt hurt or betrayed in the process. 

And yet, the beauty of Scripture says this is what Jesus offers us when we follow Him.

For this series, we’ll spend three weeks looking at how Scripture calls us to be known and loved by God, known and loved by each other, and making Jesus’ love known to our neighbors.

Year of Biblical Literacy | Wrapping up our Year of Biblical Literacy…for Now!


0:38 - Looking back, why did we want to do this year-long initiative?

1:48 - What have been your highlights for the year?

7:15 - What’s our hope for our church moving forward?

9:46 - Practically what does that look like?

Revelation | All Things New | December 22

Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 22, 2024.

As we end our Advent series and Year of Biblical Literacy, we look at the final chapters of Revelation and the ultimate hope that’s given for those in Christ.

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.” 

Revelation | The Way of the Lamb vs. the Way of the Dragon | December 15

Sermon by Jake Blair on December 15, 2024.

Last week, we examined the spiritual war in the spiritual realm and how Jesus’ birth brought about Satan’s defeat. This week, we continue to explore how, through Jesus, we can live into that victory.


There may be no other text in the Bible where people ask the most questions than Revelation 13. And yet, if all of Scripture means to help us, and this book means to bless us, how do we make sense of the beast, the number 666, and most importantly, how does this chapter help us endure as followers of Jesus?

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.” 

Year of Biblical Literacy | Reading Apocalyptic Literature and Revelation (Without Losing Our Minds!)


1:30 - How do we think about Revelation/apocalyptic literature?

4:08 - How do we begin to read Revelation/apocalyptic literature correctly?

8:20 - How do we understand the stranger imagery and ideas in Revelation?

9:27 - How are we to think about the end times?

12:40 - What about the “antichrist”?

16:27 - What about the “millennium” in Revelation 20?

midtown Resources

other resourceS


Ghosts and Ancestors sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Ruth sermon series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Wisdom sermon series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

How Long O LORD series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

The Psalms series -  Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch 

The Gospels series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Hebrews series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Revelation series - Lexington | Downtown | Two Notch

Text-in questions

Throughout the year, we want to know the concepts and passages you wrestle with. We'll answer some of these questions in podcast episodes throughout the year.

To submit your topic or question, text either "DOWNTOWN", “LEXINGTON”, OR “TWO NOTCH” followed by your topic to 855-855-0655.

Music by Levvy and Midtown Music

Find out more at Weird Tower Collective

Revelation | The Baby Who Slayed the Dragon | December 8


Sermon by Jake Blair on December 8, 2024.

This week, we look at Revelation 12. While this passage seems strange and confusing at first glance, we'll see the author "pulling the curtain back" to show us the cosmic battle taking place and how, ultimately, Jesus wins.

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.” 

Revelation | Pulling Back the Curtain | December 1


Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 1, 2024.

In our first sermon in our study of Revelation, we look at the beginning of the letter and discuss how to think well about apocalyptic literature in Scripture. During this Advent season we will be blessed by remembering the first arrival of Christ while longing for his second.

Year of Biblical Literacy

The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known. 

But…it’s complex.

So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible. 

We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.” 

Stand-Alone | A Normal Spiritually Powerful Life | November 24



Sermon by Jon Ludovina on November 24, 2024.

Before wrapping up our Year of Biblical Literacy with a series on the book of Revelation, this week we zoom out and look at our reasons for doing this initiative, and the fruit we pray comes as a result. We will see that in the midst of our chaotic lives and the many distractions of modern life, God’s Word offers us a beautiful invitation.

Stand-Alone | Celebration Sunday 2024

Celebration Sunday sermon by Jake Blair on November 17, 2024.

Our church family spent Sunday together celebrating baptisms! Videos from the Gathering and this week's LifeGroup Guide can be found below.

Baptism Stories