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We believe church is a family, not an event. So when we gather together, we want people to form genuine relationships. If you're new, please introduce yourself by filling out our digital connect card so we can make contact with you.

One of the best ways to connect to our church family is by participating in the variety of events we host throughout the year. From classes to community outreach, we hope these gathering opportunities bring us together as a family and help us look more and more like the people of God. Below you can see a handful of upcoming events.

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We would love for you to connect with our Midtown family by participating in any of the following:

  • Join a LifeGroup: LifeGroups are not simply a once-a-week meeting, Sunday School class, Bible study, or a new mission strategy, but rather a way to live normal, everyday life together with others. These groups are our primary means for helping one another grow closer to Jesus, caring deeply for one another, and inviting people into our community to hear and experience the good news of Jesus.

  • Become a Member: Our vision for membership is simple. We want our members to be the most Jesus-loving, joy-filled, Bible-saturated, relationally-connected, spiritually-powerful, mature, winsome, selfless, loving, sacrificial followers of Jesus they can possibly be. If you've been coming around for a while, or just have questions about our church, we’d love for you to join us!

  • Start Serving: Serving is a way to build relationships within our family, beyond LifeGroup. It helps weave our church's fabric and allows each of us to use our gifts from God to support our family.

    • Serve on Sundays: Opportunities to serve are available on Sundays and throughout the week. Ranging from Host Team to Student ministry, there is a chance for each us to leverage our lives to love and serve others.

    • Serve the City: God is often described as having a heart for the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the sick. In other words, God cares for the most vulnerable and marginalized people. Since God cares for them, we want to do the same. Throughout the year, we partner with organizations serving the most vulnerable people in our area. We join in their work and also encourage them.

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The Cross of Christ

It has been said that atonement is like a multi-faceted diamond. What Christ accomplished on the cross is massive, and its window into the heart of God is grand. In this series, we study the many things Jesus’ death and resurrection achieved as we prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

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To make a one-time gift or to set up recurring giving, use the link below or download the Pushpay app.

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You can give via cash or check on Sundays when offering baskets are passed or at one of our offering drop boxes. You can also mail cash or check in to 1819 Taylor St. Columbia, SC 29201. Please make all checks out to Midtown Downtown.