Midtown Midweek | A Behind the Scenes Look at Our Song "Be Still"

Over the past few years, some of our church's pastors and worship leaders have written and recorded a collection of original songs. In this three-part series, we'll deep dive into how these songs were created, how we hope God will use them and take an exclusive first listen.

The entire three-song EP by Midtown Music, "Haven," releases on July 28. The first single, "Be Still' "releases on Spotify and Apple Music on July 14.

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight

Music by Midtown Music

Fruit of the Spirit | Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise | July 10

Sermon by Jake Blair on July 10, 2022.

This week we look at the fruit of faithfulness and how God’s faithfulness towards us is meant to move us towards faithfulness to Him and others. But in an age of continual compromise, how do we as followers of Jesus fight to live this out?

Fruit of the Spirit | Kindness in a Time of Polarization | July 3

Sermon by Michael Bailey on July 3, 2022.

From Mr. Rogers to Ted Lasso, we love seeing snapshots of kindness. But what does this fruit of the Spirit actually mean? And how can we access radical kindness in a world that so desperately needs it?

Midtown Midweek | Sabbatical and Redemptive Imagination

A behind-the-scenes look at Sunday’s sermons, our church staff, and the city we love.

Follow us on our new IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

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Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight

Intro/Outro music by Levvy

Fruit of the Spirit | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | June 26

Sermon by Brandon Clements on June 26, 2022.

When the Bible talks about “peace” what exactly does that mean? Is it the absence of hard circumstances or something deeper? In today’s sermon we’ll explore biblical peace and how it’s meant to anchor us even in the worst of situations.

Midtown Midweek | Peace, Neuroscience, and Personal Wiring

A behind-the-scenes look at Sunday’s sermons, our church staff, and the city we love.

Follow us on our new IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

In Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Spotlight

Intro/Outro music by Levvy

Fruit of the Spirit | Patience in a Time of Irritability | June 19

Sermon by Allen Tipping on June 19, 2022.

In our culture, we can easily be a people of reactivity, impulsivity, and immediacy. We want it all and we want it now. But in this weeks sermon, we see that God is patient. His patience for us creates time and space for growth, maturity, change, and redemption. And by the Spirit, we can exhibit that same attitude towards others.

Fruit of the Spirit | Love in a Time of Self-Interest | June 12

Sermon by Jake Blair on June 12, 2022.

For this series we’re taking nine weeks to walk through the Fruit of the Spirit we are called to cultivate, as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus and how the Fruit of the Spirit was evident in His life.

In Christ | New Creation | May 29

Sermon by Jake Blair on May 29, 2022.

Jesus is in the business of making all things new and He first starts with us. For this week we’ll look at 2 Corinthians 5, and how through reconciling us to Himself, God uses us to reconcile the world to Him.

In Christ | Sanctification | May 22

Sermon by Jake Blair on May 22, 2022.

What happens when you hit a spiritual “wall” in your walk with Jesus? What happens when, despite your best efforts, you notice your life doesn’t match up with what Scripture calls you to? For our sermon this week, we explore the good news of how, in Christ, we have His imparted righteousness to help us.

In Christ | Imputed Righteousness | May 15

Sermon by Jake Blair on May 15, 2022.

All of us have this incessant need to prove our goodness to ourselves, to others and to God. For this week, we’ll look at Romans 3-4 and how in Christ, we are freed up from having to prove ourselves because Jesus is our righteousness.

In Christ | From In Adam to In Christ | May 1

Sermon by Allen Tipping on May 1, 2022.

"You may teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are." This is whether you’re in a position of leadership or if you’re a parent: we reproduce who we are. The same is true theologically. This week we look at 1 Corinthians 15 as we unpack the concept of who we were in Adam and who we’ve become in Christ.

Midtown Midweek | New Series + New Practice

A behind-the-scenes look at Sunday’s sermons, our church staff, and the city we love.

Follow us on our new IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

In Christ | Enjoying Our Union with Him | April 24

Sermon by Ant Frederick on April 24, 2022.

The terms “in Christ,” “in Him,” and “in the Lord” are used in the New Testament over 150 times to describe what it means to be a Christian. For the biblical authors and the early church, this concept was foundational in understanding who we are with God and with others. So, what does it actually mean to be “in Christ”?

Midtown Midweek | He is Risen, Indeed!

A behind-the-scenes look at Sunday’s sermons, our church staff, and the city we love.

Follow us on our new IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

Recommended Links

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

Intro/Outro music by Levvy

Stand-Alone | Easter 2022 | April 17

Sermon by Adam Gibson on April 17.

Our church family spent Easter Sunday together celebrating our Risen Savior! Baptism videos from the Easter Gathering and this weeks LifeGroup Guide can be found below.

The Suffering Servant | An Unexpected Table | April 10

Sermon by Jake Blair on April 10, 2022.

So far in this series we’ve seen how Jesus subverts our expectations. He’s an unexpected King with unexpected compassion who, as we'll see this week in Luke 22, invites unexpected people to his table.

Midtown Midweek | The Always Rule

A behind-the-scenes look at Sunday’s sermons, our church staff, and the city we love.

Follow us on our new IG account for resources, local spotlights, and giveaways! (@midtownmidweek)

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight

  • Clean Juice - 5230 Sunset Blvd Suite F, Lexington, SC 29072

Recommended Resources

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

Intro/Outro music by Levvy