March 2-6 | $249

Every year over USC's Spring Break, we take our college students to a major U.S. city where we can visit, have a blast, and worship Jesus through loving and serving people. In the past we've visited cities like Boston, Chicago, New York, D.C. and New Orleans.

This year’s destination is Panama City, Florida!

We've taken the time below to answer some common questions you might have about the trip.

Who can go on the trip?

Anyone who is in college or college-aged can go.


What will we do on the trip?

During the day, you and your group will serve with a local church, ministry, school, or organization. The type of work you'll be doing varies, but it's all done with the hope that the city of Columbia will be loved and served. Each afternoon after you leave your worksite, you'll have time to explore the city, and we'll have gatherings each night with music and preaching, similar to what we do on Sundays at the Gathering.

How will we get there?

You will travel to Panama City in 15-passenger vans with the same group you'll serve with once you get there. This allows lots of time for group bonding before you even arrive. Usually, people's favorite part of the trip is the friendships they form as a part of their group.

What does the cost of the trip include?

The cost of the trip includes travel, hotel, and most meals while you're in Panama City. You'll need to come prepared to purchase 2 meals on the way, 2 meals on the way back, and one meal while you're there, as well as any spending money you want to have. Your registration takes care of the rest.

I want to go but can't
afford it.

If you genuinely have a desire to go, but don't have the cash, email Elise Rendulic and let her know your situation. We have some generous people in our church family who provide scholarships for the trip so that some people can go that don't have the money to pay. There may also be fundraising options available. While we may not be able to help out everyone, we'll do as much as we can to get you to DC.

I want to go, but I'm nervous that I won't know anybody.

We know going on a trip like this alone can be a little nerve-racking and awkward, but we assure you it'll be worth it. These trips are specifically structured to help you meet people and experience community. You'll get plenty of time to build relationships with your group. We've seen best friendships and LifeGroups grow out of relationships that started on these Spring Break trips, so don't let fear be the reason you don't go!

I still have questions about the trip. Who can I ask?

You can contact Elise Rendulic.