There may be no form of communication more powerful than stories. From our infancy to our dying days, we listen to, learn from, are shocked by, memorize, laugh at, retell, cry from and connect to each other with stories.
So it should be no surprise to us, that the Bible loves to use stories to help us know the God who invented the art of story. Throughout this series, we will be looking at many of the individual stories that tell important moments in the overarching story of the Old Testament. In the individual stories and the bigger picture, we will see God's incredible faithfulness to move His people and all of human history toward the centerpiece of the entire story; Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
So we invite you to join with us for our new series, Anthology: Learning to Love the Stories of God.
To help with the series we've created two pages for you to check out. The first is a breakdown of the different Old Testament sections we will be studying and the second is a resource page for LifeGroups.