
Fruit of the Spirit

Do you ever feel like there are two competing forces waging war within you as you try to follow Jesus? Do you ever feel a gap between what you want your discipleship to look like and the actual lived reality of your day-to-day life? 

Galatians 5 gives weight to this battle within us, telling us about these two competing forces with competing desires - the Spirit and the flesh. And the invitation for all of us as followers of Jesus is to crucify the flesh and cultivate the fruit.

This series will take nine weeks to walk through the Fruit of the Spirit we are called to cultivate, as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus and how the Fruit of the Spirit was evident in His life.

To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: Love in a Time of Self-Interest

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: Patience in a Time of Irritability

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: Peace in a Time of Anxiety

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Kindness in a Time of Polarization

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 5: Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 6: Goodness in a Time of Brokenness

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 7: Gentleness in a Time of Harshness

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 8: Joy in a Time of Cynicism

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 9: Self-Control in a time of Self-Fulfillment

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

The Family of God

Volatile issues consume our newsfeeds, but we need to approach these issues biblically. As a church family, we want to fix our eyes on Jesus, and become a people of peace, hope, and love as we follow Jesus.

Jesus says the two greatest commandments in our formation are to love God and to love our neighbor. How we love our neighbor reflects our love for God, and how we love God manifests itself in how we love our neighbor. And the reality is, while our “neighbor” encompasses everyone, it most immediately applies to who we share a home with and see every day. So for this series, we want to train ourselves to look more like Jesus by learning to grow in our love for our closest neighbors - whether that means our spouse, kids, roommates, or friends.

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To help you worship at home, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: Trinity Love

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: The Family You Were Made For

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: Dealing With Your Past

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Dating in the Family of God

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 5: Marriage in the Family of God

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 6: Passive Men & the Women Who Resent Them

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 7: Kids Have Imaginary Friends, Adults Have Imaginary Enemies

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 8: The Power to Heal the World

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 9: Parenting Part 1: Proactive Discipline

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)

Week 10: Parenting Part 2: Reactive Discipline

(Sermon) (Transcript) (LifeGroup Guide)