Upon This Rock | Forever and Ever, Amen | February 26

Sermon by Jake Blair on February 26, 2023.

Scripture does not tell us how Peter’s life ended, but we are told in John 21 by Jesus the kind of death Peter would die. Somebody would stretch out his arms, and he would be crucified just like his Lord for preaching the gospel. In the end, Peter lived what he told us in 1 Peter 5. His last act was an act of humbling himself before the Lord. As he suffered and died, he cast his anxieties on the one he knew cared for him. He knew that crucifixion was the way Jesus conquered Satan, so he was okay with facing the same fate and even facing execution through a wooden cross. He knew he wasn’t the only one. Other friends, disciples, and, most importantly, his Lord had already walked that path. What a beautiful example for us to follow. What a solid foundation for us to build our lives.