
For Our Good Always | You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me | September 12

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 12, 2021.

The Israelites spent 430 years in circumstances that normalized the worship and service of different gods. This week we’ll look at the first commandment in Deuteronomy 5 where God gives His people a marker to look back and show them that He is the one true God. No one and no thing come before Him.

For Our Good Always | Do Not Harden Your Heart | September 5

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 5, 2021.

Last week, we introduced a concept called moral foundations theory. It argues that different cultures base their sense of right and wrong through five different moral categories. This week, we'll look at Hebrews 3-4 to see exactly what happens when we forget God’s view of morality and look to ourselves or our culture to determine what’s right and what’s wrong.

For Our Good Always | God’s Morals are Different than Yours | August 29

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 29, 2021.

Have you ever encountered people who think differently than you and thought they were so incredibly wrong? Do you know of other Christians with opposing political views to yours and wonder how you’ll ever get along with them? Have you ever read the Bible and thought, “Hold up! How is this okay?” In this week’s sermon, we’ll look at Romans 2:14-16 to unpack the issue of morality, conscience, and ultimately how God’s Spirit and God’s Word lead us into truth.

For Our Good Always | August 22

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 22, 2021.

Why should we trust God in the first place? Why should we believe him? The good news is we aren’t the first people to ask that question and in fact, God himself expected that question. In this week's sermon we’ll look at Deuteronomy 6:20-25 where God predicts and answers this very question.

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | People of the Table | August 15

Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 15, 2021.

In Luke 22:14-20 Jesus institutes the sacrament of communion to His disciples. Now we don’t know what all they understood at this point, but this was a category breaking event. This was no normal Passover meal. Jesus says He is starting a new covenant, a new way of relating to God the Father. And every week when we gather, we participate to remind ourselves of this reality.

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | People of the Word | August 8


Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 8, 2021.

The average sermon is 40 minutes in length. So if you were to attend each Sunday, the total cumulative time spent listening to sermons in a year would be 36 hours. Taking that in account, what are you hoping will happen as a result of that time? Why spend so much time having someone teach you from the Bible each and every week? More broadly, why is one of the focal points of our time together reading from, explaining and applying a 2000+ year old collection of literature?

To answer that, we’ll look at a handful of passages including 2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 4, Titus 2, and Luke 8.

Following Jesus Together: Gathering | Embodying a Better Way | August 1


Sermon by Jake Blair on August 1, 2021.

Our world has changed significantly in the last year and a half. With Covid, people’s perceptions have mutated on a large scale when it comes to all sorts of things. Perhaps one of the most noticeable questions that followers of Jesus are asking is, “How should I spend my Sunday morning?”

For this week we’ll be answering the question - Why do we gather every week and why does it matter?

Philippians | How To Be Content | July 25


Sermon by Kent Bateman on July 25, 2021.

In Philippians 4:10-20, Paul concludes his letter with gratitude to the Philippian church. They came to his aid when he needed it the most. As he wraps up, two themes rise to the top: the secret of contentment and the blessing of giving.

Philippians | The Skillful Management of Attention | July 18


Sermon by Jake Blair for July 18, 2021.

While we aren’t in total control of our circumstance, we have within us the ability to cultivate the type of people we want to become. So how do we do that? In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul shows us in practical ways how we can anchor joy down into our bones.

Philippians | An Unsinkable Joy | July 11


Sermon by Allen Tipping for July 11, 2021.

Philippians 4:6-7 states to "Rejoice always. Don’t be anxious about anything." A verse like this oftentimes is posted to social media feeds in an artsy graphic as it seems like good advice for our virtual world. Yet beyond the screen, applying this scripture to the realities of life can sometimes seem impossible or at least incredibly difficult. In today's sermon, we learn how to put this into practice and make it possible to live by.

Philippians | You Got to Hold On | July 4


Sermon by Allen Tipping for July 4, 2021.

Following after Jesus can be hard. It takes work. No one stumbles into godliness, but it is a disciplined pursuit often full of sacrifice and suffering. In today’s passage, we'll see why we need to hold on to Christ, how we need to hold on to Christ and examples of what it looks like to hold on to Christ.

Philippians | Delighting In The Surpassing Worth Of Christ | June 27


Sermon by Ant Frederick for June 27, 2021.

In Philippians 3:1-11, we’ll see what really pushes us toward being Jesus-centered by reminding of us of how good Jesus truly is.