bible absorption

Helpful Tools for Bible Absorption


This week Jon unpacked 9 questions to help us absorb the Bible. These questions are crucial to understanding the Bible in an accurate way that soaks down deep into our souls. To help you study and answer the 9 questions as you do, there are a number of powerful tools to help us in our striving for bible absorption.

Digital Resources

The most updated surveys say that 41-44% of Americans read the Bible in a digital format. With a huge supply of internet based tools this comes as no surprise.  Below are a few of the most helpful tools we use often:

Mobile Apps

Books About the Bible

We know many of you prefer to read good old-fashioned books with pages and ink and covers! Below we have several great books that you can use to better absorb the Bible:

Abide Discussion Questions: Bible Absorption


One of the easiest ways to lead discussion time in your LifeGroup is by discussing last Sunday's sermon. Below you'll find some discussion questions to help your group discuss the sermon and apply it at a heart level.


  • What’s your personal history when it comes to the Bible? Are you familiar with it? Did you grow up around it? Are you brand new to it? What do you feel when you think about the Bible and abiding with God through His Word?
  • When was the last time you had a heartfelt encounter with God through His Word?
  • Read 2 Timothy 3:16 and Isaiah 55:10-12. What are your hang-ups when it comes to trusting the authority and inspiration of the Bible (if any)? What is the most compelling evidence that helps you trust the Bible?
  • Read John 14:15 and 15:8-11. Do you ever feel like treasuring and obeying God’s Word contrary to the gospel of grace? Why or why not?
  • Where in your life has your love for Jesus led you to treasure and obey God’s Word or vice versa? What happens when you try to obey God’s Word without love for God or vice versa?
  • Are there any truths from the scripture that you are struggling to treasure, obey and abide in right now? What are they and how can your fellow LG members encourage you to treasure and abide in what you already know?
  • Spend some time praying as a group. Possibly take some time to journal, pray in pairs or take a few minutes to meditate on the scripture and truths that have been discussed. If there’s anyone who’s recently spoken the Word to you and you’ve rejected them along the lines of, “I already know that. That doesn’t help.” Go, confess and be reconciled to them.