

Most everyone has an opinion on Jesus. Maybe you think he’s God in the flesh. Maybe you think he’s a helpful spiritual mentor. Maybe you think he was sort of crazy. A rebel, a pithy teacher, a homeboy. Or maybe you’re not sure he ever actually existed. Whatever the case, everyone has some sort of answer to the question. The important thing is to ask “is my version of Jesus the real one?” Answering that question is perhaps the most important thing you’ll ever do. Because all of life hangs on the answer.

Study Guide

To accompany our Luke series, we've created study binders that include space for sermon notes, personal study questions, and LifeGroup discussion guides. The study guide pages are available on their respective sermon pages available below:



He’s influenced more world leaders, inspired more art, and had more biographies written about him than any other person in human history. Yet, during his life, he was homeless, never had any kids, never ran for political office, and never traveled more than a few hundred miles from his hometown. How does this happen? What was it about a simple carpenter from Nazareth that has altered history forever?


Party Jesus

This series takes five weeks to welcome people into our Jesus-centered family on mission by talking about parties, feasts, and celebrations. The bible has a surprising amount of things to say about Jesus' attendance in and around the party scene.
