Following Jesus Together: Gathering | Embodying a Better Way | August 1


Sermon by Jake Blair on August 1, 2021.

Our world has changed significantly in the last year and a half. With Covid, people’s perceptions have mutated on a large scale when it comes to all sorts of things. Perhaps one of the most noticeable questions that followers of Jesus are asking is, “How should I spend my Sunday morning?”

For this week we’ll be answering the question - Why do we gather every week and why does it matter?

Philippians | How To Be Content | July 25


Sermon by Kent Bateman on July 25, 2021.

In Philippians 4:10-20, Paul concludes his letter with gratitude to the Philippian church. They came to his aid when he needed it the most. As he wraps up, two themes rise to the top: the secret of contentment and the blessing of giving.

Philippians | The Skillful Management of Attention | July 18


Sermon by Jake Blair for July 18, 2021.

While we aren’t in total control of our circumstance, we have within us the ability to cultivate the type of people we want to become. So how do we do that? In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul shows us in practical ways how we can anchor joy down into our bones.

Philippians | An Unsinkable Joy | July 11


Sermon by Allen Tipping for July 11, 2021.

Philippians 4:6-7 states to "Rejoice always. Don’t be anxious about anything." A verse like this oftentimes is posted to social media feeds in an artsy graphic as it seems like good advice for our virtual world. Yet beyond the screen, applying this scripture to the realities of life can sometimes seem impossible or at least incredibly difficult. In today's sermon, we learn how to put this into practice and make it possible to live by.

Philippians | You Got to Hold On | July 4


Sermon by Allen Tipping for July 4, 2021.

Following after Jesus can be hard. It takes work. No one stumbles into godliness, but it is a disciplined pursuit often full of sacrifice and suffering. In today’s passage, we'll see why we need to hold on to Christ, how we need to hold on to Christ and examples of what it looks like to hold on to Christ.

Philippians | Delighting In The Surpassing Worth Of Christ | June 27


Sermon by Ant Frederick for June 27, 2021.

In Philippians 3:1-11, we’ll see what really pushes us toward being Jesus-centered by reminding of us of how good Jesus truly is.

Philippians | Gospel Friendships and Gospel Goodbyes | June 20


Sermon by Ryan Rike for June 20, 2021.

In Philippians 2:19-30, we see a “gospel goodbye" that Paul didn't necessarily want to have but he did. And in the process, he was able to spread his Kingdom joy to others.

Philippians | Joy in Our Perseverance | June 13


Sermon by Tim Olson for June 13, 2021.

In this passage, Paul shows us how our obedience leads to joy. Rather than viewing God as restrictive, when we obey God we grow in His joy towards us, the world’s joy, our leaders’ joy, and our joy.

Philippians | The Way of Jesus vs. The Way of Caesar | June 6


Sermon by Jon Ludovina for June 6, 2021.

In our previous teaching, we learned that unity is one of the distinct markers of being citizens of Jesus’ kingdom. But we are a diverse people, so how do we practically live that out? How is it possible to be a church family? In today’s teaching, Paul answers this by offering some of the densest theology on Jesus found in the New Testament.

Philippians | Live as Citizens of the Gospel | May 30

Sermon by Ryan Rike for May 30, 2021.

While the church in Philippi lived in a different context than us, the call is still the same. We are to live as citizens of the gospel of the King. In this week’s teaching, we'll unpack three ways in which we can live out our Kingdom citizenship.

Philippians | Joy in Life or Death | May 23


Sermon by Michael Bailey for May 23, 2021.

Paul, who started this church, is now in prison and in a season of suffering. Yet in this letter, Paul writes some of the most famously joyful, grateful verses in the whole Bible. How does he do this? What can we learn from Paul about joy and gratitude that can carry us even on our worst days?

Today's passage gives us more insight into the answer: The pain of life, when we are with Jesus, becomes like birth pain.

Philippians | The Unstoppable Kingdom | May 16

Sermon by Ant Frederick for May 16, 2021.

In this passage, Paul’s proper view of Jesus and His mission empowers him to view his entire life through making much of Him. The same is true for us. Valuing Jesus as our greatest treasure allows us to keep the "main thing" the "main thing," even through immense pain.