
Celebration Sunday | November 20

This week, we celebrate what God is doing through our city and our Family of Churches as hear baptism stories in our church family.

Baptism Stories

Acts Part 2 | The Story Continues | November 13

Sermon by Allen Tipping on November 13, 2022.

The story of Acts doesn’t exactly conclude the way we would expect. That’s because God’s story is still being written. His Kingdom is still going forward. His Church is still growing. For this week, we’ll examine the last chapter of Acts and how God wants us to help play a part in writing His story.

Acts Part 2 | The Storm and the Shipwreck | November 6

Sermon by Jake Blair on November 6, 2022.

In Acts 27, Paul sets sail to share the gospel in Rome only to later find himself shipwrecked. For this week, we’ll look at how Paul’s able to be a “non-anxious presence” in the midst of it all and how we can learn to do the same.

Acts Part 2 | Living in the Dash | October 30

Sermon by Ryan Rike on October 30, 2022.

In Acts 20, Paul is giving what we’ve often called a “gospel goodbye” - saying goodbye for the sake of God’s mission. For this week, we’ll look at some things Paul says about himself, in the hopes that one day we might be able to say them, too.

Acts Part 2 | The Church in Ephesus | October 23

Sermon by Adam Gibson on October 23, 2022.

This week we look at Acts 19, where Paul shares the gospel in the city of Ephesus. The gospel becomes so disruptive to the town that a riot occurs in the church planting process. So what does it look like today to allow the gospel to disrupt our lives?

Acts Part 2 | The Church in Athens | October 16

Sermon by Adam Gibson on October 16, 2022.

This week we look at Acts 17. In this chapter, Paul finds himself in a city called Athens as he is asked to provide a reason as to why anyone might trust Jesus and become a Christian. So what’s Paul’s strategy and how might we learn from him when it comes to sharing Jesus with others?

Acts Part 2 | The Church in Philippi | October 9

Sermon by Ant Frederick on October 9, 2022.

This week we look at Acts 16 and the unusual circumstances surrounding the church planted in Philippi. As a church on mission, what can we learn from Paul’s strange encounters?

Acts Part 2 | Mountains, Molehills, and Which Ones to Die On | October 2

Sermon by Jake Blair on October 2, 2022.

In Acts 15 we see a theological dispute that threatens to tear the church apart. So what does the early church do and how can we learn from it?

Acts Part 2 | The Power of Persistent Prayer | September 25

Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 25, 2022.

In this week’s passage we see just how committed the early church was to prayer and what God did through those prayers. This is the type of church we want to be too. We want to be a place where miraculous things are happening and the only explanation is “Yeah I don’t know….we prayed and God did it.”

Acts Part 2 | The Church in Antioch | September 18

Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 18, 2022.

In Acts 11 we see the church of Antioch. Strangely enough, none of the people that make up this church are named, and yet, God works in them to spread the gospel even further. By God’s grace, our hope is to be like them too.

Acts Part 2 | Who's In and Who's Out | September 11

Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 11, 2022.

One of the most significant barriers today to Christianity is that the gospel is too exclusive, but back then, one of the most significant barriers was that it was too inclusive. This week we look at Acts 10 and see that because of Jesus, no one is "unclean," and no one is too far off to belong. This concept is part of what makes God's church so beautiful.

Acts Part 2 | Three Expectations from the Life of Paul | September 4

Sermon by Jake Blair on September 4, 2022.

Knowing what to expect is essential in life. Whether it comes to becoming an adult, getting married, or learning to parent, expectations are critical. It's the same with being a Christian. In Acts 9, we look more closely at Paul's life, the opposition he faced, and what that tells about following Jesus.

Acts Part 2 | A Defining Moment | August 28

Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 28, 2022.

From Acts 4 onward, the early church receives murderous threats from the Jewish elite. In Acts 9, we zoom in on one in particular: Saul of Tarsus, a religious, moral zealot who believed he was on the right side of history. This week we see what happens when God’s Spirit uses God’s people to help change the trajectory of his life.

Acts Part 2 | The Movement of God | August 21

Sermon by Jake Blair on August 21, 2022.

As we get back into Acts, what does it mean to be the church? Why is it important? And how can we step into God’s story for us some 2,000 years removed from what we see in Acts?

Following Jesus Together | Abide | August 14

Sermon by Jake Blair on August 14, 2022.

We have a few catchphrases to narrate who we are, what we do, and what we're about as a church. One of those is that we're a people who are "Following Jesus Together."

One of the primary tools we use to help us follow Jesus is our Covenant Practices - seven practices we believe are crucial for your spiritual health - one of which is abiding with Jesus.

So for this sermon, we'll answer questions like, "What is the Bible?" "Why does it matter?" And "Who are we becoming when we commit to this practice?"

Fruit of the Spirit | Self-Control in a time of Self-Fulfillment | August 7

Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 7, 2022.

As we wrap up our series, we look at the final fruit of the Spirit: self-control. How do we live this when our world sees self-control as repressive or, at the very least, something we don’t want to emphasize in our lives?

Additional Resources

Fruit of the Spirit | Joy in a Time of Cynicism | July 31

Sermon by Tim Olsen on July 31, 2022.

When our expectations don’t line up with reality, we can often it meet it with cynicism or naïveté. So how can we become people of joy no matter what life throws our way?

Fruit of the Spirit | Gentleness in a Time of Harshness | July 24

Sermon by Ant Frederick on July 24, 2022.

We live in an age where often times, the more forcefully and bluntly you state how you feel about an issue, the more you’re celebrated by those who hold the same beliefs as you. So for us, how can we press into the fruit of gentleness in an age where harshness is seen as virtue?

Fruit of the Spirit | Goodness in a Time of Brokenness | July 17

Sermon by Michael Bailey on July 17, 2022.

“To live according to the purpose you were created for,” this is goodness. "When all is as it should be," this is the fruit of the Spirit we’re looking at this week. But how do we know what we’re created for, especially when there is so much confusion around this?

Fruit of the Spirit | Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise | July 10

Sermon by Jake Blair on July 10, 2022.

This week we look at the fruit of faithfulness and how God’s faithfulness towards us is meant to move us towards faithfulness to Him and others. But in an age of continual compromise, how do we as followers of Jesus fight to live this out?